Saturday, January 25, 2014

Let Go of Trying to Save or Change People

Shannon Kaiser has a real doozy for us today:

"Let go of trying to save or change people. Everyone has her own path, and the best thing you can do is work on yourself an stop focusing on others."

This is REALLY HARD for me! I don't know how I got started with this one, but I love to save or change or "fix" people, or at least I used to.

With Access Consciousness, I learned that my path is really MY PATH! When I focus on myself and quit focusing on the foibles of others, a lot of the drama and chaos in my life dissipates and my life becomes easy and flows with grace.

Byron Katie also share some insights on this, when she asks us to consider: What if the other person is doing something "for" you instead of "to" you? Hmmmmm. Puts everything in a new light, right? It puts the spotlight back on YOU!

And, as I tell my daughters and clients: At the end of the day, who is the only person you can change? Yes, you! Only you!

As I focus on healing and growing myself, the dynamics of my inner circle change and sometimes people rotate out of my life!

Now, as a Spiritual Life Coach and Spiritual Teacher, I have to resist trying to save folks. But, in the end, it's not my job to save anyone. Oh, I can give you tools, I can hand you a life preserver, IF YOU ASK ME!

And,that's an important distinction: the person has to ask for help.

Because when someone asks for help with healing, releasing old emotional baggage or growing toward the life of their dreams, helping them is my greatest joy!

Yes, helping them is NOT saving them or changing them or fixing them. Helping them is giving them tools, so they can save themselves!

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