Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Let Go of Regrets

Today's idea for surrender is "let go of regrets; at one point in your life, that 'whatever' was exactly what you wanted." On the surface, this one was a mystery for me. Yes, I have regrets, but I wasn't connecting with the idea that the thing I regretted doing or being or having was something that I had wanted.

I get it now. Let's say I have a regret about saying something to someone. At that point in time, saying those words was important to me. Perhaps I expressed something with less compassion or perhaps I told a white lie and got caught! At the time, it seemed like the thing I wanted to say. Now, in hindsight, I wish I hadn't said it.

Simple forgiveness of self puts me back on my path of authenticity! So, I have one less thing to regret!

Let's say it's a bigger issue, like a marriage! How many of us regret going into a relationship, and maybe even marrying a person that our hearts warned us about? Yes, I've done that. However, I now see that those relationships were a part of a master plan for my life. I can see it from a higher perspective and express gratitude for the lesson, release the hurt and self-criticism and move on!

So, now I understand what Shannon is saying: Be more accepting of decisions you made in the past and let go of regrets. Maybe I just had to turn it around to truly understand the power of this suggestion!

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