Friday, March 13, 2015

Is It Really True?

I am participating in a beta test for a new energy healing modality that is helping us retrain our brains to live more from a place of compassion and kindness, rather than from old hurts. We are halfway through the 6 week process.

One day, I felt as if I had “hit the wall,” and was really wallowing in some pain regarding a family member. I had used the process a number of times and was still hurting. As I left the office for lunch, I was reminded of Byron Katie’s work and asked myself: “Is it really true?”

I was just wallowing in something a family member had said and took it to mean that she really meant to say something else and that she has always felt that way about me and on and on and on.
At that point, I just stopped and asked myself: Is it true that I know that she means what I am inferring?


At that, my feelings subsided quickly and I could feel myself calming down.

WOW! All I had to do was ask a simple question: “Is it true?”

More later on this amazing process. I’ll be able to share with clients and students within the next year!

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