Thursday, February 12, 2015

Messages From Spirit

When Steve and I present our “Messages from Spirit,” we do readings for up to 8 people. Steve brings through evidence from loved ones and friends on the other side, so that there is no doubt that he is communicating with those who have crossed over. I connect with the angels and guides of each person present and record a short message of encouragement or guidance. I write down the audible messages that I receive on a piece of paper.

A few months ago, I received the idea of also recording one or two sentences from each message onto another pad that I keep and publish from time to time. Sometimes, I feel that one or all of the messages I record on the second sheet of paper are for me! I know that friends and clients who have read these on Facebook or on my blog are also encouraged by what they read.

Here are the short messages from Tuesday night’s group.
1. Get out in nature to recharge your energy.
2. It might be a good time to look at your diet. By simply changing a few items you eat, you’ll have more energy.
3. There’s a book (or two) waiting inside you and your words will comfort so many. The words will flow like a river.
4. It is time to play and be light-hearted. No need to be too serious.
5. How might you help your fellowman and challenge yourself, as well?
6. The laughter keeps your heart light and keeps you grounded.
7. Journaling is a great way to record your journey and lessen our load. What you write down, you can release.
8. This is a time of great growth for you. There may be “growing pains.” Don’t fret. All is OK.

So, if something resonates, consider it a gift from YOUR angels.

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