Thursday, June 9, 2011

My New Love Child . . . Avery

Or, maybe I could say, "Child of Love!"

My granddaughter was born yesterday. Her name is Avery Catherine Bench and she is precious, perfect and pure love! She can teach us so much about love and trust. She trusts that all of her needs will be met. When she is hungry, she cries or makes little sucking sounds or tries to eat her fist. She doesn’t say, “Oh, should I eat now?” or “I’m too fat,” or “I’m too skinny.”

Yes, she asks for food when she’s hungry and someone attends to it. When she’s wet, she cries or makes those little noises and kind of scrunches up her face. Then we know to help her, to take care of what she needs.

As I watched her, I thought of how much the Universe is like this; if we will allow good things to come to us. We create a desire, put emotion behind it and it manifests.

What gets in the way is our:
· shame
· limiting beliefs
· guilt
· lack of deservedness
· feeling that the world is a scarce or scary place

How pure and innocent she is. Just think, she has:

· No shame
· No limiting beliefs
· No guilt
· No lack of deservedness
· No feeling that the world is a scarce or scary place

In fact, she is PURE LOVE! She loves everyone, unconditionally and we love her, unconditionally, too. At this point, she hasn’t stayed out all night or skipped school or done any of the things that usually bother us parents. She is just this little bundle of joy and love and happiness.

I want to be like Avery: trusting and pure love. As it says in the Course in Miracles:

The awareness of love’s presence is our natural birthright.

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

Teach only love for that is what you are.

So, I want to recapture that state of Pure Love. Thank you, Avery, for teaching me about Love!

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