Thursday, January 19, 2023


Deanna told me as we began the reading that she felt she was ready for a new relationship in her life.  Here are a few notes I took:
ale in 12th Century in the Middle East
-Name:  Jamal

-From a very wealthy family
-At the age of 12, he decided to become a Monk/Holy man and travelled to the temple/mosque to train with a Spiritual Leader. Takes a vow of celibacy at this time.
-At 16, his Spiritual Leader dies and he is sent back home to his village, parents and 3 sisters.
-He quickly learns his father’s business (some type of precious metals, spices, etc) and is kind of a math genius.  His father learns to lean on him and he runs the business, as his sisters marry and leave home.
-There is a girl who his parents want him to marry and he is “not interested.”  (The exact words I heard.) He refuses to marry.
-At 25, his father dies suddenly and he lives out his days running the business, taking care of his mother for the rest of her life and becoming a type of spiritual leader for his village, as well.

Making the most of this reading involves asking a few questions and journaling:

-How to I honor Jamal’s past? What was in Jamal’s tool box that I can use today? 

-How do I put to work the wisdom learned from this snapshot into Jamal’s life?

-How do I look forward to my life now and in the future, as a combination of Jamal AND Deanna? (I also got very clearly:  How do I let go of having to defend myself? Deanna confirmed that this resonated.) I also shared the following:

Journaling around anything that particularly interests you or repels you would be advantageous.  Remember “what we resist, persists,” so write it out and get as much from the experience as you can!

At the end of the reading, Deanna said that she had visited Egypt a few years ago and was very emotional as she entered a Mosque. As this memory clicked into place, she realized that she had lived a life as a holy man in Egypt all those years ago.

I also invited her to journal any feelings around Jamal’s decision to remain celibate.  Perhaps be open to letting go of that part of her eternal self, so that she can find a new love in this present life.

Would you like to review one of YOUR past lives?  Visit my website and book a past life reading.  Click on Services.

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