Saturday, November 14, 2020

Crystals for Healing and Support – Petalite


Last week for my daily card draw, I drew the card “Petalite” from Colette Baron-Reid’s Crystal Oracle Deck.  I was not really familiar with this crystal, so I enjoyed reading about it. It's a beautiful crystal that comes in pink, white, gray or mixed colors.  Reminds me a little of Moonstone.

In Colette’s guidebook, she shared that Petalite supports us and provides:

“The ability to detach, the Observer, the impersonal quality of the Universe.”

“Petalite gives us the ability to step back and observe with detachment and neutrality.  There is a place within you that allows you to observe without emotion. See the world through the lens of acceptance.”

What if we were able to do just that?  Observe, with no judgment, no complaining, no overwhelm.  By calling upon the spirit of this crystal, we can step back and process what is in front of us and from that space, make a choice and take steps on our own timetable.

What if we are too close to a relationship?  Step back and observe the relationship between the two of you and pause. Sometimes, you don’t have to do anything.  Sometimes, you don’t have to change.  Just be patient.  Petalite can support this.

“Petalite is a stone that assists us in learning how to be the Observer.”

Another source talks about how Petalite supports the crown chakra and balances the pineal gland and both sides of the brain.  This helps us balance intuition and intellect.

My favorite crystal mentor, Philip Permutt,

You can meditate on the properties of this crystal, wear this crystal as jewelry or carry a piece in your pocket.  All are great ways to work with this crystal. I found a rough piece and a tumbled, smooth piece on Etsy and both arrived inside of a week.  


Finally, I checked my “crystal Bible” which is written by my favorite crystal mentor, Philip Permutt: 

“Originating in Brazil or Madagascar, Petalite combats clumsiness and gives you the courage of your convictions. Good for eyelids, eyebrows and muscle and joint flexibility. It can also bring peace of mind and spiritual connection to the Divine, angels, spirit guides and totem animals. Good for meditation, because it helps you stay grounded. . . and all psychic abilities.”

As I ask with EVERY crystal I love:  Where can I get a bucket of that?

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