Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Messages From the Angels

My husband Steve and I host these small groups twice a month. We call them "Messages from Spirit" and he connects with your loved ones and friends on the Other Side and gives you evidence or proof that there is life after death here on earth. I connect with your Angels and Guides and give you a short message of encouragement, support or healing.

I write out the messages for each person and read the message aloud as we go around the table. If a part of the message is too personal or might be embarrassing, I edit what I read aloud.

Last night, my angels suggested that I record in my own personal journal 1 or 2 sentences from each of the messages. Just whichever one resonated with me was to be recorded.

When I finished, I realized that these are beautiful words of encouragement and I shared them with Steve. Here, I share them with you, in no particular order. If one or two resonate for you, I invite you enjoy and leave the rest!

There is no need to struggle or punish yourself. Express gratitude every day for even the little things and see your life blossom.

Meditation will help you connect with YOUR angels and guides.

What makes your heart sing? Be that! What do you do that makes time fly? Do that!

Take some time to meditate and reflect and you’ll get lots of ideas in this space. And you’ll connect to Universal knowledge.

Positive thoughts bring positive rewards. Open to this idea and welcome new insights, blessings and friendships.

Let the good times roll! This is a good time to bask in all that life is for you.

Take some time each day to write. Journal your thoughts, fears and dreams.

Find something that makes you smile and allow yourself to enjoy, really enjoy these small pleasures.

Thank you, Angels!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Moving On

My recent health challenges have been around digestion and 3rd Chakra issues. One of my friends shared this:

"When I'm in rapid expansion of consciousness, my body can't keep up and my stomach is where the energy gets stuck."

This really resonates with me. And, when I posted in a DFW FB group I'm in, several ladies chimed in with similar challenges. Yes, similar journeys and similar challenges, mostly spiritual, when we peel the layers. Another friend said this:

“It's fascinating to me how many people I know who are on similar journeys and how most of them seem to be the spiritual ones. I wonder if we draw these experiences to ourselves for growth or if we are the ones who are most sensitive to the unnatural things in our environment or maybe a combination of both.”

It’s no accident that we draw to ourselves experiences and people for our own healing. And then I ask, “Am I open to healing? Am I resisting it?” Here’s what another friend shared about being open to NOW, rather than turning back to what we “know”:

The topic of resisting "going back" (as if we can, but still, for sake of conversation I will use the term) has been coming up in several venues lately. The idea of being in what is, in the present, and becoming comfortable with not knowing, rather than running/turning back to what is known. Even the desire to do that slows the flow of life coming our way...which is probably why we do it!! Ha!

And then, I had another insight: the other night, when the acid reflux was at it's peak, my heart felt like it was being squeezed and was literally hurting. (Steve almost took me to the emergency room! Oh, wow, EMERGE! That's what we are all doing . . . EMERGING!!! And there's a room for that? Amazing . . .)

The next day, I said to myself, "it feels as if I have a hole in my heart." The faces of my friend and my sister came into my mind and I was reminded how hurtful their rejection of me has been. Then, I said, "I'm choosing to heal that hole in my heart and move on."

Then, I saw something on a site that I visit regularly for Abraham quotes:

Everything that we're teaching here is about you deciding how much grief you're willing to put yourself through before you take the path of least resistance. And we're encouraging not very much grief. We're encouraging taking the path of least resistance really early on. If someone says, "I don't want to be with you," we'd say, "Okay," and we'd go find someplace else to be. We're not kidding you, we would not put up with any grief.
- Abraham-Hicks –

So, upon reading that, I decided, I made an active choice: No more crap! I choose to say, “OKAY! I’m moving on!” I feel so good to announce this!

Today, I selected a turquoise patterned top and reached for a necklace that my friend had given me. The thought came in:

"It's only jewelry, PJ, and it's pretty and you like it. So, wear it, already!" So I did.

Three months of healing . . . the hole in my heart is getting smaller. Also, the interesting thing is that I can feel the rift with my sister heal as I heal the pain from the loss of my friend.

Thank you, God. Thank you, Angels. I am being divinely supported as I heal and grow.

Friday, August 1, 2014

A few months ago, my best friend (I’ll call her Lucy, although that is not her name) texted me and Steve and told us that she was hurt and angry about something he posted on his FB page. (I can’t really go into more of what it was without betraying a confidence that I want to honor.)
We wrote back immediately, saying that the post had absolutely nothing to do with her, that Steve had written it 3 weeks ago and had just gotten around to posting it. Lucy blasted right back, admonishing both of us and also brought in another issue, which wasn’t even a part of her original criticism. Her last comment was: “I’m done.”
We sat and looked at each other in shock. Steve asked if he needed to apologize and take down the posting. I paused for just a moment and told him, “No.”
And that was that. Seven years of friendship was over. Much like a romantic break-up that you don’t see coming, I was awash in unbelief and sadness for days. Then, I was angry. Then, I remembered the 5 stages of grief:
1-Denial and Isolation
I moved through Denial and Isolation pretty fast. After a few days, I saw that Lucy wasn’t going to contact me and I didn’t feel led to do so myself. I reached out to a few of my friends in my Mastermind Group and they were very supportive. Steve was also very supportive.
I had lost a client a few weeks earlier to suicide and I felt that he just glossed over my loss. Later, we sat and talked about it one night and I felt that he finally “heard” me. So, when this loss occurred, he was particularly supportive and for that I was very grateful. My daughters were also very supportive. They understood my pain, since both of them have “lost” friends over the years of their young adulthood. With FB, it can be even more dramatic and hurtful.
Speaking of Facebook, Lucy immediately “unfriended” me and blocked me from seeing her comments. How do I know this? Because, her daughter continued to be my friend and I could see that my friend’s comments didn’t show up! Her husband continued to be my friend for a few weeks. Then, I noticed that he was no longer on my newsfeed. He unfriended me, but he hasn’t blocked me. I know because he shows up in people to whom I can send friend requests. LOL
So, now I am ANGRY! I was SO angry that I did pages and pages of journaling, working to rid myself of all of the rage and anger. Just like some of the experts recommend when you have a break-up with a romantic partner, I went through my house and removed all of the reminders of my friend: the chicken on top of my cabinets, the framed angel at my office, the special “sisters” coffee mug. It was just too painful to look at these items.
That week, I made a small casserole and when I took the crockery dish out of the dishwasher, my wet hands dropped it on the floor and it broke into several pieces. As I picked it up, I realized that it had also been a gift from Lucy. I was purging things that no longer served me.
After that week, I moved into Bargaining. I played the event over and over in my mind. What if we had done something different? What if we had reacted differently? What if, what if, what if?
Yet, in my heart, I knew that we just WERE. I am ME and Steve is Steve and there was no transgression on anybody’s part. We are perfect just the way we are and Lucy is perfect as she is. I knew this on a very deep level.
On a TV show that we watched during this enfolding, there was a stoic, male character who said to a female character, with whom he had been linked romantically and with whom he fathered a child, a fact which she did not reveal to him for sixteen years. He said to her:
“I will not forgive you.”
[Cue dramatic music and pan to the face of his Ex-lover]
“Because there is nothing to forgive.”
WOW! That is the essence of everything I aspire to! Nothing to forgive. There is NOTHING to forgive.
So, the next phase is Depression and I fell hard. It was now the middle of June and I was so low that I could barely get out of bed. I was sullen and sad and it was no fun. So, I called my friend in Allen, Stephanie McLaughlin and scheduled a healing session with her.
She is a wonderful massage therapist, who is also intuitive and brings in craniosacral therapy. She worked on me for a little over an hour and let me cry and process my feelings. (She is truly magnificent and is a master at holding space for healing!)
I left her office and immediately felt lighter! I sent her a note later, telling her, “Stephanie, I’ve got my JOY back!” And it was true! There was a lightness to my being and a joy in my heart again. I had forgiven my friend AND I had forgiven myself.
Interestingly, after the session with Stephanie, Lucy’s daughter reached out to me. She texted me that she was not offended by Steve’s post and that she hoped her mother and I could work out our differences. She said that she missed me! I was very touched by her message.
The last stage of grief is Acceptance. I guess that’s where I reside now. I’ve accepted that some friends “come for a season and some for a reason,” to quote something that one of my friends always says. I’ve accepted that Lucy was my companion for seven beautiful years, accompanying me through one of my biggest growth periods. She and I would text each other and talk several times a week. We were always there for each other.
Yet, one day, I noticed a huge benefit from the loss of Lucy’s friendship: my relationship with Steve was richer. I had a session with a client that was particularly challenging and when I was driving home, I called him. I shared from a deeper, more intimate place. As I hung up my phone, it came to me: a few months ago, I would have called Lucy. I didn’t even think of calling her that time. I thought of calling Steve. And then I did. What a gift!
Thank you, Lucy. I send you blessings from the deepest chamber of my heart. For in the words of Pierre Pradervand:
“To bless means to wish, unconditionally and from the deepest chamber of your heart, unrestricted good for others and events.
It is impossible to bless and judge at the same time. So hold constantly as a deep, hallowed, intoned thought the desire to bless, for truly then shall you become a peacemaker, and one day you shall behold, everywhere, the very face of God. And, of course, above all, do not forget to bless the utterly beautiful person you are.”

So, Lucy, if you are reading this, I send you blessings and all my love. For we will meet again in another life and share more adventures! We will also have a chance to commune on the Soul Plane and celebrate this life and the incredible growth that we both witnessed for each other. I can hardly wait to see what unfolds for us!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I Choose to Send Blessings . .

When dealing with a sad and unpleasant situation with one of my sisters, I asked my standard Access question one morning: “What’s it going to take for me to get over this?”
Within minutes, I was reading FB posts and saw a reference from one of my friends regarding sending blessings to people who have hurt us.
I was guided to do a search on-line for more information and found an amazing hypnotherapist in California named Marilyn Gordon. She had a series of articles and one of them was simply entitled, “Blessing Everything.”
In it, she references extending “heartfelt good will and the possibility of transcendence to everything.” She went on to say:
When you bless, there is an immediate shift in you as the extender of blessings, in your reality, and whatever or whoever is the recipient of your blessings. It all becomes filled with light.
When you bless, you send the energy of healing out from your heart and mind. If you are visual, you might see a situation transformed and healed. You might experience it as sending light. You might feel it surrounded with a protective kind of energy. You might hear the words “bless you” reverberating in yourself.

I remember a Theta Healing class I took in 2005 with Asara Lovejoy and Kathryn Perry. Kathryn proposed the idea of sending blessings to people we encountered during the day. Just say, “Blessings, blessings, blessings,” to someone you see with car trouble, someone you see arguing, someone you see in pain. That helps them and allows you a way to be of service to the world. (Since I am an Empath, it also allows me a way to support the person and disconnect from their energy!)
I began to regularly do this, although I don’t think I really connected with the deeper meaning. I even taught it to my husband, Steve, and we would routinely send blessings when we saw an accident on the road. I guess I wonder if we were just “saying the words.”
Now, as I look more deeply into the process of sending blessings, I feel that I was just going through the motions. I want to connect more deeply with the people whom I am blessing. This desire is what led me to Marilyn Gordon and her work.
She also adds:
Blessing equals healing. Blessing means, “I see this situation from an expanded view. I know this is in my life for some reason. More than likely, I am to become powerful from this. Perhaps there is some message that I am receiving from this. I bless it, and I accept my power.”
If you are one of those with a steel-trap mind that plays tapes over and over of slights you’ve experienced, grievances, perceived failures, hostilities, you can use that same quality of steadfast attention by sending blessings rather than condemnation or resentment.

Marilyn references one of my favorites, A Course in Miracles, which reminds us, “I can see peace instead of this.”
I can choose to see peace, YES, I can choose peace, instead of the hurt, the wrong doing, the injustice, or whatever. If I can choose to turn over and over in my mind the hurt, the snub, the harsh words, then I can also choose to replace that little video of pain with one of PEACE and BLESSING.
Marilyn says it best:
If my mind is so strong that I can return over and over to thoughts of insufficiency or conflict, it can be equally strong in returning over and over to blessing.
Isn’t that brilliant?
She also references a French writer named Pierre Pradervand and shares this:
He acknowledged that difficulties teach you and that trials are blessings in disguise. He said, “It is impossible to bless and judge at the same time.” This desire to bless, he says, helps you to become a peacemaker, and “one day you shall behold, everywhere, the very face of God.”
So, of course, I had to investigate Mr. Pradervand! I found that he is an author and leader in the field of social justice and personal development. He wrote a book called “The Gentle Art of Blessing.” He has also written several other books.
His personal motto is:
In any situation, I can always express love. Nothing can ever prevent me from loving
I will write more about Mr. Praderand on another day, although I want to close with this quote:
"To bless means to wish, unconditionally and from the deepest chamber of your heart, unrestricted good for others and events; it means to hallow, to hold in reverence, to behold with awe that which is always a gift from the Creator. He who is hallowed by your blessing is set aside, consecrated, holy, whole. To bless is to invoke divine care upon, to speak or think gratefully for, to confer happiness upon, although we ourselves are never the bestower, but simply the joyful witnesses of life's abundance." From The Gentle Art of Blessing by Pierre Pradervand
So, will you join me is sending blessings, REAL, heart-felt blessings to those in our lives whom we may not understand or even WANT to bless? Send a blessing today to someone close to you. Bless them, let them go and witness JOY in your own life.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

So Long for Now

I lost a friend and client last week. She was a wonderful young woman, who was vivacious, intelligent, articulate and bigger than life. When she walked in, the whole room lit up. She had a throaty laugh like Joan Crawford or Betty Davis, but she when she talked, a tiny, little girl voice came out. She was an IT person by day, writing code and crunching products for a big corporation.

She was also an incredible artist.
Over the six years I knew her, she had 4 sessions with me. She did a past life regression, a coaching session and a life-between-lives exploration.(She also gave a past life regression to her boyfriend's sister for a Christmas gift!) Her last session was a new type of regression.

She called me and said she wanted to do another life-between-lives session. No one had ever asked for a second exploration like that before, so I asked if I could consult my guides. She agreed. My guides told me to regress her to a past life and then let her go to the Soul Plane, like in a life-between-lives session and then let her guides and angels take it from there.

I pitched the idea to her and she agreed. She filled out a short info form, to give me some questions to pose and then we set a day and time to meet.

Her session was one of the most beautiful sessions I have had the honor to facilitate. She literally flew to the Soul Plane. She loved her time there so much and the tears began to fall as she entered the energy of that space.

For the next hour, I posed questions or nudged her Soul and she shared some of the most beautiful truths about her life, her role "in between" and other revelations about her Soul. Later, my guides would tell me that I would do more of these "soul revelations" sessions with other clients.

When she went home, she wanted to capture some of what she saw and felt. It is the painting that is shown here. She kept saying that it was turquoise, turquoise, like she had never seen before. Then, she captured the essence of that color (and more) in the painting.

I hadn't talked to her in almost a year. I had no idea what she was up to. Because of her job, she posted rarely on Facebook and we weren't close friends.

Last week, she killed herself. I am really sad about her passing. Yet, I know that she is in Heaven, back on the Soul Plane, doing what she loves and resting up for her next incarnation.

Yes, she is in Heaven. I know this because of the work Steve does. There is no Hell and there is no purgatory. She is not STUCK or in Limbo. She went straight to Heaven . . . on a direct flight.... and she is painting and smiling and having fun. She is at peace. And I know that I will see her again, in another life.

Here's to you my friend . . . thank you for being in my life!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Don't Fear Entering the Cave

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”
― Joseph Campbell

Today's quote by master teacher Joseph Campbell talks about our fears, our shadow self and the things that we hide from ourselves and others.

How many of us fear or dread things that have no logical source? How many of our fears are rooted in childhood? Or past lives?

For example, you may have a fear of public speaking. So, you avoid it for years. Then, someone tells you about Dale Carnegie classes or Toastmasters and you decide to give it a go.

BAM! You love it! Your gifts and talents include public speaking! Only by going THROUGH the fear, do you find your treasure!

There are many more layers to this, such as hiding our creativity, because we "fear" we aren't good enough. Maybe a parent or teacher laughed at us or ridiculed one of our early artistic efforts. By healing that wound and being brave enough to let our creativity shine through, we may find a whole new way to be in the world!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Let Go of the Life You Planned . . .

Today, I am beginning a new series of blog posts, which are based on the work of Joseph Campbell. The quote I have chosen for today has great meaning for me:

“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

This one was a real puzzle for me, the first time I read it. What do you mean "the life I planned?"

Well, how many of us make plans, and sometimes those plans are made FOR us, by well-meaning parents or teachers or guidance counselors. Sometimes, those plans don't connect with our hearts and souls. Sometimes, those plans take us down paths that we don't want to take!

So, when I get in contact with my Soul,I can communicate and learn about my heart's desire. I can get in touch with what gets me up in the morning, what drives me! (And rarely is that more money! Although money is good in today's world!)

Daily communication in meditation, journaling and just listening to those Soul messages that usually come from the heart is so important.

Then, we can begin to see the life that is waiting for us, as it unfolds around us!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Letting Go of Self-Hate!

In today's suggestion, which is the last one from Shannon Kaiser's list, she discusses the topic of "self-hate."

"Let go of self-hate. You are not the shape of your body of the number on the scale. Who you are matters, and the world needs you, as you are. Celebrate!

WOW! What a special challenge she offers! We tend to get so caught up in our physical bodies! As I was typing this, I became so aware of my current struggle with the "number on the scale."

What if I just accepted that number? Isn't the irony or practical matter of the situation such that when I accept my body AS IT IS, then I have the ability to change it?

What we resist, persists . . . how many times have we heard that, seen it on Facebook and seen it modeled in our lives?

So, by accepting my body, in its present state, I have the power to change it, to become healthier, slimmer, more toned, etc.

Also, when we spend so much energy on resisting or rebelling or figuring out the next diet or exercise plan, we have less energy to expend on LIVING!

So, instead of "self-hate," I'm focusing on SELF-LOVE! One of my favorite spiritual teachers, Matt Kahn, invites you to say "I love you" three times, several times a day, by placing your hand over your heart and uttering the words (out loud if possible).

I know that I do this now, as a matter of course, during my day and it is so affirming! I even say it to my new puppy and feel that doing so is building that bond of love and trust that is so important.

This brings us to the end of Shannon's list of 20 Things to Let Go of Before the New Year (see below for the link if you want to see the entire list.) First of all, my thanks to Shannon. I LOVED this list and all that it brought into my life. Second, I'm not finished with my "lists."

Tomorrow, I will start with a quote from Joseph Campbell and then share 9 more, during my Ten Days With Joseph Campbell series.

So, "see" you then!

Here's a link to Shannon's wonderful article:

Monday, January 27, 2014

Letting Go of Trying to Fit In

Today's suggestion is another really good one:

"Let go of trying to fit in and be accepted by everyone. Your uniqueness is what makes you outstanding."

How many of us were bullied or bossed around in childhood, in an effort to "make" us fit in? Church, school and family often needs us to fit in their box, to make life simple and easy! And, then we join the work world and it's the same old thing!

Face it: you may NEVER fit in and the chance that you will be accepted by everyone is quite remote. I wish I had realized this when I first graduated from college! The pain of trying so hard to get everyone to like me in the business world was crippling and draining and no fun!

About 13 years ago, I met the man who became my husband and he has taught me so much about knowing that not everyone will accept you. He teaches me everyday to be true to myself and let the chips fall where they may!

It's not that he doesn't care. He does! He just doesn't care what you think about him or his actions! I so admire that!

Panache Desai also talked about this on a recent broadcast. He said that he has learned not to care so much. That doesn't mean that he is not loving or compassionate, because he is. It just means that he doesn't care if he ruffles feathers or says or does something that some person may not like. He has learned that it really doesn't matter what others think of him, so he has chosen not to care.

The last part of today's suggestion is also quite wonderful and bears repeating:

"Your uniqueness is what makes you outstanding."

Yes, it does! You know, there is no one quite like you in the ENTIRE WORLD!!! Isn't that truly amazing?

So, today, I choose to celebrate MY unique qualities and honor myself, realizing that I will NEVER fit in!

And that is OK!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Let Go of Trying to Save or Change People

Shannon Kaiser has a real doozy for us today:

"Let go of trying to save or change people. Everyone has her own path, and the best thing you can do is work on yourself an stop focusing on others."

This is REALLY HARD for me! I don't know how I got started with this one, but I love to save or change or "fix" people, or at least I used to.

With Access Consciousness, I learned that my path is really MY PATH! When I focus on myself and quit focusing on the foibles of others, a lot of the drama and chaos in my life dissipates and my life becomes easy and flows with grace.

Byron Katie also share some insights on this, when she asks us to consider: What if the other person is doing something "for" you instead of "to" you? Hmmmmm. Puts everything in a new light, right? It puts the spotlight back on YOU!

And, as I tell my daughters and clients: At the end of the day, who is the only person you can change? Yes, you! Only you!

As I focus on healing and growing myself, the dynamics of my inner circle change and sometimes people rotate out of my life!

Now, as a Spiritual Life Coach and Spiritual Teacher, I have to resist trying to save folks. But, in the end, it's not my job to save anyone. Oh, I can give you tools, I can hand you a life preserver, IF YOU ASK ME!

And,that's an important distinction: the person has to ask for help.

Because when someone asks for help with healing, releasing old emotional baggage or growing toward the life of their dreams, helping them is my greatest joy!

Yes, helping them is NOT saving them or changing them or fixing them. Helping them is giving them tools, so they can save themselves!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Letting Go of Money Woes

Today's suggestion for the new year is:

"Let go of your money woes. Make a plan to pay off debt and focus on your abundance."

WOW! Does it get any clearer than that? Letting go of our "money woes" can be a hard battle. (Why did I get the word "battle"?) Our money issues run deep and are multi-generational. Perhaps, these beliefs are based on multiple past lives where we struggled with money, abused our power or wasted money. Even as I write these words, I see that I am judging myself and my money issues.

So, it's time to let go! Using Access Processes or EFT or any number of energy clearing tools, I choose NOW to let go of these limiting beliefs and begin part two:

Make a plan to pay off debt. This part of pretty easy for me. I show gratitude each month, when I pay my bills. I lovingly thank the bank, the car loan company, etc., for trusting me with credit. I learned this from Louise Hay. Paying bills becomes easy when you focus on the gratitude around the transactions.

So, that just leaves us with "focus on your abundance." ABUNDANCE. What does that mean?

The dictionary defines it as:

An extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply: an abundance of grain. OR
overflowing fullness: abundance of the heart. OR
affluence; wealth: the enjoyment of abundance.

Isn't that interesting that even the dictionary explains ABUNDANCE in different ways! So many times, we think of abundance as money in the bank or the ability to "buy stuff." Abundance comes in different ways and when we realize this, we are even more abundant!

I count relationships, such as those with family, good friends, clients and members of our Meetup. Then, I count the energy of money flowing in and out of my bank account, in a never-ending cycle. This is key. See the flowing in and then flowing out. Giving is just as important as receiving and vice versa!

So, today, I'm letting go of old money beliefs and riding the wave of abundance in my life!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Letting Go of Thinking You Have to Know How to Make It Happen

Today's suggestion is a great one for anyone who is building a business, a career or a life! How many of us want to know HOW everything is going to transpire. It's almost as if we say, "OK, God, show me how you are going to do this in my life and THEN I'll take the leap."

It doesn't work that way. Just as Shannon Kaiser said in her blog post, you gotta:

"Let go of thinking you have to know how to make it happen; we learn the way on the way.

It reminds me of that Joseph Campbell quote that I presented a few days ago:

“If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's your path.”

We have to trust that God (or the Universe, or Divine Source or whatever you call the Creator) will be faithful to us and take good care of us along the way.

So many times, I think that I know best and I try to bend something or "make it happen" and those situations never turn out good! And, even in that case, who wants "good" when you can have GREAT?

When we can "let go" and really join in on the flow of life, all kinds of synchronicities begin to happen and we enter a kind of magical space that invites beautiful outcomes.

We can also follow our hearts, trust our feelings and go where we feel led. When I focus on what I love to do, what makes my heart sing, what makes time fly, THAT'S when I know that I am following my life purpose. That's when I know that I am BEING who I came here to be.

And that reminds me of another quote that I have leaned into over the past 11 years:

“If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be.”
― Joseph Campbell

Friday, January 17, 2014

Let Go of Anger Toward Ex-Lovers and Family

"Let go of anger toward ex-lovers and family. We all deserve happiness and love; just because it is over doesn't mean the love was wrong."

Today's suggestion is a weighty one that really involves three distinct subjects:




Anger is one of those emotions that can smolder and then erupt when you least expect it. One of my favorite quotes is from Buddha:

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."

The best way to deal with anger is to journal. Just write and write and write and get it all out. You can say ANYTHING on paper. Then, burn it. Some people recommend that you write a letter to the offending party and then burn it. Something about putting pen to paper is very cathartic and cleansing.

Yes, we often have grudges against family members. Grudges that aren't dealt with often turn to anger. Sometimes, the issues are years and years in the past and it really wouldn't be helpful to bring it up in the present. That's when writing a letter, discussing the situation with a trusted friend to gain closure or doing some forgiveness work around the situation. Doing any one of these processes is like letting a pressure valve open and seeing the issue dissipate!

Another exercise that I find helpful is journaling all of the good memories around a person. I did this regarding my childhood and made a list of the gifts I received from my parents and was amazed when I filled up 4 pages of a yellow tablet. Often, we have to clear the anger and the bad memories, to allow the good ones to surface! (By gifts, I am referring to things like: taught me to read at a young age, taught me a strong work ethic, taught me how to sew, etc.

This is also good to do with Exes. I remember that my Ex-husband once asked me, "Weren't there any GOOD memories?" Of course, I had to answer that there were! I was just too angry and hurt to see them in that moment. Especially if you share children with an Ex, it's a good idea to make a list of the gifts from that relationship, the happy memories and the wonderful things you shared with your Ex. It just puts things in proper perspective! It also becomes part of the grief work that you do, before entering a new love relationship.

So, let go of anger and claim your JOY!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Letting Go of Thinking You are NOT Where You Should Be

Today’s reminder is:

“Let go of thinking you are not where you should be. You are right where you need to be to get to where you want to go, so start asking yourself where you want to go.”

I love this one! I can’t tell you how many times people ask me “Am I on my path? I feel like I’m not where I’m supposed to be. I feel stuck.”

When we can relax and KNOW that we are in EXACTLY the right place, that’s when we begin to get somewhere! Right?

In other words, relax and enjoy the journey. Just consider, “I’m right where I need to be. Now, where do I want to go?”

Asking questions is one of the best ways to move forward. That’s why I love Access Consciousness tools and processes so much. Access invites you to live in the question.

Now, it may seem silly or weird to ask a question and not answer it, but that’s the beauty of this philosophy. You ARE the question. You ask questions, just as you would do a Google search and your Guides, Your Higher Self and the Universe conspire to bring the answers to you!

The most perfect question in the whole world is “What else is possible?”

I had a situation with a rebate I was due from AT&T. I got an email that invited me to register the rebate and when I went through the steps, it said my rebate was $25. The representative who signed up our account told me that the rebate was $150, so I was initially upset.

However, I kept asking “What else is possible?” (to myself, not to the rep) and after a series of representatives, I learned that the $25 rebate was ANOTHER rebate, in addition to the rebate that I got for signing up!

Now, there are times when “What else is possible?” is a valid question for the representative, hotel clerk, etc. I know a lady who used the question once, when she was told that the hotel had no rooms. She kept asking “What else is possible?” and ended up with the honeymoon suite for the price of her original reservation!

I think it’s about not taking “NO” for an answer and being open to the Universe to gift you with a “YES” that may be even better than what you envision.

And this brings me full circle to our suggestion for today: When you can let go of thinking you are not where you should be and ask questions about where you want to go, the whole Universe opens up to gift you with amazing opportunities, miracles and synchronicities.

So, choose: Where do you want to go? Who do you want to be? What else is possible?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Letting Go of Cheating on Your Future with Your Past

Today's suggestion really rings true to me, because it is so easy to get "lost" in your past and miss the present. But I hadn't considered that you are also robbing yourself of your future!

The full concept:

"Let go of cheating on your future with your past. It's time to move on and tell a new story."

I can't even begin to tell you how much this resonates for me. I came to terms with the abuse I suffered in childhood in my 40's and began telling anyone who would listen. Oh, it was easy, because I was in counseling for quite a few years. Then, I began taking classes in healing, training in different energy clearing modalities and it just came with the territory.

Today, I realize what I am doing: cheating on my present AND my future. So, it stops today! No more old story.

Thank you, Guides and Angels for this 2 by 4 to the brain! I get it!

Today, I tell a new story: one of courage, healing, new intentions and positive choices. Today, I begin to live!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Letting Go of Thinking There's a Right and a Wrong Way to Do Things . . .

Today's guidance for letting go is:

"Let go of thinking there's a right and wrong way to do things or to see the world. Enjoy the contrast and celebrate the diversity and richness of life."

You know, I grew up thinking that the world was pretty black and white. There was a right way to do something and a wrong way. There was a right side of the law and a wrong side. There was a right way to navigate life and a wrong way.

I'm learning that life is not really right or wrong. That, often when I've been told I am "wrong" it means that in the eyes of that person, I am simply different.

How many times do we see this play out in wars that are really about religious, political or philosophical differences? What about the rights for gay people to marry? There are so many arguments on this topic, because some people consider the gay lifestyle "right" and others think that the lifestyle is "wrong."

However, life is never that cut and dried, is it? Life is all about shades of gray, forever transforming and never ending up exactly white or black.

I remember once when teaching one of my daughters how to cook, I was teaching her in the same way I had been taught. When she said that she wanted to do things a different way, I stopped for a moment and then said, "Well, let's try that!" Guess what? The recipe turned out even better! Because I refused to press on her MY way, which I momentarily considered the RIGHT way, I learned a valuable lesson. I went on to use this technique with employees, friends, and other people. Each time, I learned something new!

The second part of the suggestion is also compelling. Because if we force our views or ways of doing things on others, then we end up with a very stilted view of life, don't we? When we "enjoy the contrast" or the different way of looking at things, we can look forward to a rich experience.

I also love the word DIVERSITY, although I feel it's been overused and misused in the last 20 years or so. Diversity to me means being open to new experiences with new cultures, new foods and new celebrations and rituals. For example, I eat very differently than my parents do. I enjoy oriental foods, vegan options and seafood. I had never had Eggs Benedict until I graduated college and moved to the Dallas area. I LOVE IT! Yet, I had to take a risk and try it, to learn that I like eggs with Holandaise sauce.

Eating is certainly one of the easier areas to experiment. What about your personal philosophies? Your spiritual or religious beliefs? Well, if I hadn't suspended judgment to go with my husband to our first mediumship gallery, I wouldn't be on the journey I am on today.

There are some people who consider that spirit communication is "wrong." Yet, I see how much messages from friends and loved ones in spirit help people who are grieving. I think that the Christian Church and Catholicism has made the subject taboo to keep mankind under their control. The more I study the subjects of spiritualism, the more I feel this is true.

Yet, I am not making my beliefs "right." These are just my beliefs. So, I intend to "enjoy the contrast and celebrate the diversity and richness of life!"

Monday, January 13, 2014

Letting Go of Thinking Everyone Else is Happier . . .

Today's suggestion from our list of things to "let go" is a biggie:

"Let go of thinking everyone else is happier, more successful or better off than you. You are right where you need to be. Your journey is unfolding perfectly for you."

Don't you sometimes get sucked into that? Looking at Facebook, and you see the new car, smart kids and new wardrobe of some of your friends? What about those who are going on fun trips or celebrating birthdays in exotic places? Does it make you green with envy? Lead you to question: What about me? How am I doing?

Well, the message in today's suggestion is a powerful one:

"You are right where you need to be. Your journey is unfolding perfectly for you."

I began following Esther and Jerry Hicks and their Guides, also known as Abraham in 1995. I have memorized one of their affirmations:

"Right now there are many people who are enjoying the dream that is coming for me. There is nothing amiss. I am right on track and gravitating to something that will satisfy me even more."

Whenever I get caught up in someone else's posts or emails or personal sharing sessions over lunch, I just remind myself of this affirmation and the truth in those words. I then turn to gratitude for my beautiful family, my clients, my home, my pets, etc.

Because, my path is MY PATH. I am learning patience and tolerance and balance and grace on this earthly journey. I planned before I came down for this life to have these lessons, to enjoy the challenges of this life. And then I get lost in gratitude for the beautiful life I am creating, in this moment.

And I am content.

Today's thought also reminds me of an old saying that I once saw on a sign in an antique shop:

Our successes and failures are like clothes on a line.

At the end of the day,

You take what's yours and I take mine.

So, the next time the "grass is greener on the other side" pops up in your mind, just remember: You are right where you need to be!

And, as you express gratitude for everything in your life, feel the expansion of the beauty, grace and abundance in all areas of your life.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Letting Go of Being the "Go-To-Person" for Everyone, All the Time!

(Yes, two blogs today, to make up for missing yesterday!)

Oh, my, is this one a BIGGIE for me:

"Let go of being the 'go-to-person' for everyone, all the time; stop blowing yourself off and take care of yourself first . . . because you matter."

Yes, this is for me. There is a part of me that believes that I have to have all of the answers and share information and tips and healing for everyone else. (I have some friends who nicknamed me "Wikipedia" for Heaven's sake!)

And, yet, this can be simply EXHAUSTING!!! Having to always be "ON" and having to always dispense guidance or information or send healing energy ALL OF THE TIME is just too much!

Over the past year, I have toned it down. Over the past year, I have learned when I need to take better care of myself and when I need to rest or take a day to relax. I have some new energy tools that help me better manage my personal energy, cut cords with people and recharge myself. I also take more time to meditate and journal. I'm also getting better at saying "NO".

A wise counselor once told me that sometimes you have to say "no" to someone else, so you can say "yes" to yourself. So true!

Like today. Initially, my hubby was scheduled to be working all day, so I scheduled a class to teach. As the time drew closer, I felt less and less like teaching. I felt that I needed a day to relax and chill. So, I rescheduled the class.

I'm going to a movie with my daughter and then I'm stopping at my favorite grocery store for some special treats and cooking a great dinner for my hubby.

I'm beginning to LOVE taking better care of myself . . . because I'm beginning to believe that I DO matter.

Letting Go of Thinking Your Dreams are Not Important

Well, I missed yesterday, for the most amazing and totally justified reason: I spend the day with my hubby and my granddaughter! Talk about following your dreams! Avery is the most wonderful child and you get the sense that she follows her dreams ALWAYS!

The full suggestion is: "Let go of thinking your dreams are not important; always follow your heart."

How many of us just give in at a certain point, feeling that our dreams don't matter and just towing the mark? Just fitting in, doing whatever it takes to get along, be successful, etc. Well, I did that for about 45 years and in 2000, when I was fired from a corporate job for the fifth time, I said, "ENOUGH!"

I dropped out, worked in retail and began to meditate, journal and read about my spiritual journey. In 2005, I read a wonderful book called "Journey of Souls," by Dr. Michael Newton and it changed my life. Truly!

My husband is a psychic medium and he began to study, to learn how to manage his psychic skills and I went along for support. Well, initially that was the case. Then, I began to "get" messages, also and so I began studying, too, and learned that I have a bit of talent in this field, as well.

We began our studies in 2002 and in 2005, when I read the Newton book, I knew immediately that I wanted to learn more about past life regression, past lives and reincarnation and facilitate sessions for people who wanted to heal karmic wounds. As soon as I made the decision, doors began to open and I soon met a woman who trained in the work and then I was on my way to take training myself! A few months later, I opened my practice.

I wouldn't be a practicing past life regressionist today if I hadn't followed my heart!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Let Go of Thinking You are Damaged

Well, here we are on Day 7 of our count down of 20 Things to Let Go Of. This is based on a blog I read by Shannon Kaiser a few weeks ago. Today's suggestion is:

"Let go of thinking you are damaged; you matter and the world needs you just as you are."

For years, I struggled with feeling I was different. After a few years in therapy, I decided that I was just damaged goods and that's why I was attracting all the chaos and drama. Then, in 2002, I began my spiritual journey, seeking healing and information about my path and my life's mission.

Along the way, I've healed a lot of my childhood traumas, dropped a lot of my emotional baggage and learned that I am beautiful and and wonderful, just as I am.

There's a Japanese custom where they filled the cracks in broken pots with a gold-infused resin. This makes the pots even more beautiful! Something that was "damaged" is transformed into a thing of beauty.

Spiritual teachers also talk about how "God loves cracked pots," because that's how the light shines through! I believe that our perceived imperfections allow our light to shine in beautiful and perhaps unusual ways.

My experiences and my healing path have enabled me to help others heal and grow. In this way, what was once my weakness has become my strength. So, I've become a healing guide for the world and that's exactly what the world needs at this point in man's evolution!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Let Go of Blaming Anyone for Anything

Today’s guidance for our “letting go journey” is:

“Let go of blaming anyone for anything; be accountable for your own life. If you don’t like something, you have two choices: accept it or change it.”

Wow, don’t you love how Shannon Kaiser cuts right through it, with no bullsh*#?

In my own life, I see how I can really benefit from this surrender technique. I am 59 years old. I have been on my own since I graduated college at age 21. That’s 38 years of being on my own, living my own life and making my own choices.

Yet, there was a time when I blamed my parents, my siblings, my ex-husband and lots of other folks for the pain in my life. It’s really easy to blame our addictive behavior or reactions to life’s challenges on our parents. Isn’t that what psychotherapy tells us?

Yet, enough is enough! With our tools, such as EFT and Reiki and Access Consciousness Tools, we can release those old hurts, childhood trauma and pain and live with new choices and vitality.

There is also a great deal of freedom in letting go of these old blaming habits. When I take responsibility for my life, I soar! I open to new ways of being and living. I open to new ways of being a more authentic version of ME!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Let Go of Worry

Our surrender suggestion for today is: "Let go of worrying; worry is like praying for what you don't want.

Think about it: if what your thoughts create your reality, then worry all of the time will only bring what you are worried about. So, how do you get out of that trap?

By focusing, moment by moment on what is wonderful in your world. For example, where I am sitting, I am warm and cozy, with a hot beverage nearby, soft, soothing music in the background and my puppy sleeping soundly in the next room. I am content and simply enjoying this present moment, with a big smile on my face!

On the other hand, it is cold and nasty outside, with a temperature near 40 degrees and a light rain. If I strain, I can hear my neighbor's dog barking and, oh, yeah, what about that meeting with my accountant on Friday? That can't be good, right?

Do you see how I went from content and cozy to complaining and anxious in about 10 seconds?

Yet, am I in the cold? No Rain? No When I focus on my lovely laptop and the soothing music, can I hear the dog? No Is my appointment with the accountant right now? No

So, in this moment, I can truly let go of worrying, by focusing on what is here, now, right in front of me! I can also use some of my energy clearing tools, such as Access Questions or EFT to clear my anxiety around the meeting on Friday. Then, I begin to focus on how I can contribute to a positive meeting and receive a positive outcome!

Hey, today is Wednesday. By continuing to ask questions like:

What do I know that I've been pretending not to know about my financial records and financial plans?

What else is possible?

How does it get any better than this?

I open up to receiving more of what the Universe wants to gift me, in terms of help with my financial planning, taxes, etc.

So, rather than panicking and losing sleep over an appointment, I simply ask, "What else is possible?" and focus on what ideas float in over the next few days. As I ask questions, and allow the Universe to answer, my whole world brightens with possibilities!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Let Go of Regrets

Today's idea for surrender is "let go of regrets; at one point in your life, that 'whatever' was exactly what you wanted." On the surface, this one was a mystery for me. Yes, I have regrets, but I wasn't connecting with the idea that the thing I regretted doing or being or having was something that I had wanted.

I get it now. Let's say I have a regret about saying something to someone. At that point in time, saying those words was important to me. Perhaps I expressed something with less compassion or perhaps I told a white lie and got caught! At the time, it seemed like the thing I wanted to say. Now, in hindsight, I wish I hadn't said it.

Simple forgiveness of self puts me back on my path of authenticity! So, I have one less thing to regret!

Let's say it's a bigger issue, like a marriage! How many of us regret going into a relationship, and maybe even marrying a person that our hearts warned us about? Yes, I've done that. However, I now see that those relationships were a part of a master plan for my life. I can see it from a higher perspective and express gratitude for the lesson, release the hurt and self-criticism and move on!

So, now I understand what Shannon is saying: Be more accepting of decisions you made in the past and let go of regrets. Maybe I just had to turn it around to truly understand the power of this suggestion!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Let Go of the Fear of the Unknown . . .

In today's item to let go, Shannon Kaiser urges us to "let go of the fear of the unknown; take one small step and watch the path reveal itself."

Let's take this one in two parts, OK? First, to let go of the fear of the unknown is one of the greatest accomplishments some of us will ever make. Face it, the "unknown" sits "out there" as a big, hairy monster, in some cases. Sometimes, I've stayed with an abusive partner because of my fear of the unknown. Someone wrote about the "devil you know" and how we stay in jobs, relationships and even places, rather than venturing out to parts unknown.

So what is it about the "unknown" that is so daunting? Isn't it a little about our childhood fear of the dark? Fearing what we can't see or feel or know in the world is something that our ego creates in its attempt to keep us safe.

Yet, as we heal and grow and learn to trust the Universe (or God or Divine Source-whatever you call the Creator) we begin to know that there is no "out there." We learn that fears are an inside issue. Once I heal my childhood hurts and trauma, I open to trusting in the Universe to bring in my heart's desires.

Have you ever had a day where you had no plans and just decided to "go with the flow" and it blossomed into the most beautiful day of fun activities, great encounters and fantastic blessings? Well, I'm here to tell you that EVERY DAY can be like this when we let go of our fear of the unknown!

Now, to the second part of today's surrender phrase: "take one small step and watch the path reveal itself." This is also something that is hard for some of us to understand. We want to SEE the path, telling ourselves that we NEED to see it, to know that we are on our path. But, here's what Master Teacher Joseph Campbell says:

“If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's your path.”

Isn't that beautiful? I remember when I made the decision to divorce in 1996, I took a step and it was blessed. I took another step and that one was blessed. In April of 1997, I put my house on the market. It sold in 4 days! I consider that a blessing, also.

On my path, I also encounter closed doors and times of waiting. However, it is all part of "my path." That's why I love the phrasing in Shannon's item for today.

So, just like a baby who is learning to walk, I take one step here and one step there. I let go of my fear of the unknown, and trust that I am held in the arms of the Universe. I celebrate with gratitude as my path is revealed to me. How does it get any better than that?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Letting Go of Feeling Guilty for Doing What You Truly Want to Do

Today, I want to talk a little about feeling guilty. And I'm not talking about feeling guilty for things I've done. That's what most people want you to focus on.

But, in her article, Shannon Kaiser specifically talks about "letting go of feeling guilty for doing what you truly want to do."

You know, those situations where you went ahead and did something that another person didn't want you to do. Maybe a parent or maybe a spouse or sibling. For example, I really wanted to work on the yearbook in high school. My mother wanted me to take all of the secretarial and business courses I could take, so I could get a job right out of high school. I would take one journalism course and then take the business or typing courses she wanted me to take as my other electives.

My senior year, I was named co-editor of the yearbook and that meant that I had to take 2 classes in journalism, one for creating the yearbook and one for managing the team of students that worked with us. I had a long talk with my mother. In the end, I talked her into it. But, for a long, long time, I felt guilty. Even after the yearbook came out and we won several awards and I was extremely proud of it, a part of me felt guilty for doing "what I truly wanted to do."

I can think of many examples of this in my life. Yet, isn't it a waste of precious energy?

So, today, I am going to focus on letting go of feeling guilty for doing what I want to do and being who I want to be.

And, that is an idea for another blog! More to come!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Personal Power

I found a great article by a woman named Shannon Kaiser entitled "20 Things to Let Go of Before the New Year." It is an amazing combination of ideas around "letting go" and empowerment. I'm going to take one item from the list each day for the next 20 days and write about it, expanding it a bit, sharing my own ideas.

Today's item is:

"Let go of all thoughts that don't make you feel empowered strong."

We really can choose our own thoughts. With wonderful tools such as hypnosis, EFT and Access Consciousness, we can release the limiting beliefs that shape our thoughts. As we peel the onion of our limiting beliefs, we can bring in new beliefs, intentions and a new way of approaching life.

Louise Hay is one of my favorite authors and she has created Hay House Publishing to showcase new thought leaders and their ideas for a better life. She has a book called "You Can Heal Your Life," which lists common symptoms and then the probable causes of that illness, pain, etc.

For example, I had some pain in my shoulder. When I look up "shoulder," I see a reference to "ability to carry out experiences in life joyously. We make life a burden by our attitude." WOW! I've heard the term "shoulder responsibility" all of my life.

To change this, I can use a new thought pattern, such as: "I choose to allow all of my experiences to be joyous and loving."

Louise goes on to say in her book: "Every thought we think is creating our future. Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings. The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences."

Her key message is: "If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed." Isn't that empowering? We can change our thoughts and change our bodies and our lives!

The book is also available as an app called "Heal Your Body A-Z" and it has amazing affirmations to help us shift our thought patterns to those that better serve our highest good.

If you want to check out Shannon's article, go to: